ACDMi – Living in Extraordinary Times
6th & 7th September 2021 – Manchester, UK
Spread over 2 days, ACDM Interactive is a new event set to take place on 6th & 7th of September. Given the ongoing pandemic and the combination of national and international restrictions on travel, ACDM has designed a hybrid event to deliver engaging and relevant content to members and non-members. The hybrid event will be broadcast live online but will allow those who want to attend in person to do so and those who are unable to attend in person to watch and interact virtually.
ACDM Interactive will take the form of presentations and discussion panels delivered from a conference venue in Manchester, UK. The conference room will be set as part studio & staging (supported by professional AV crew filmed and streamed online), along with seating and space for a live audience. This will allow everyone to get the best out of the event. In the evening of ACDM Interactive there will be a drinks reception followed by the ACDM Annual Awards hosted live and broadcast online. The evening will continue with a dinner for those attending in-person.
Event options
Sponsorship gives you the opportunity for exposure in the run up to the event and on stage/studio. There is the opportunity to have digital advertising played at the start and end of each session.
Demonstration Hour provides an opportunity for your organisation to connect directly with industry professionals and showcase any aspect of your work. You could take the opportunity to present your latest software or showcase a recent project. The choice is yours.
Adjoining the main programme, these two unique sessions will be fully supported by our conference team who will work with you to invite delegates and promote the session.
Logo on website & event marketing
Social media announcement of sponsorship
Logo on stage set & graphics
Chance to provide promotional video for event & social media
Chance to provide promotional goods & literature
Demo Hour
Logo on website
Social media promotion
One hour presentation
Invite attendees to watch the session online
One event ticket included