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Benefits of Membership

Join the Global Community of Professionals in the Management of Clinical Data

Over the last 30 years the ACDM has had several thousand members across the World. Every year we have a large number of new members join us and a small number of members who leave us for reasons ranging from retirement through to moving to a different area of work. Each and every member gains the following benefits from their membership:

  • Access to training courses and resources at a discounted rate (including online courses)
  • An Annual Conference to keep up to date with the latest developments in the area
  • Regular newsletters and updates about the ACDM and the area of the management of clinical data
  • Free access to regular hot topic discussions and output from these
  • Recognition as being a member of a globally recognised association

Membership Types


For people involved in clinical trials, clinical research or other biomedical data management. This includes people from pharmaceutical companies, biotech companies, CROs, non-commercial organisations, healthcare providers, IT and systems providers.

Membership Fee: £47 per year


Companies and Organisations  are able to apply for Company/Organisation membership to enable them to sponsor any number of individual employees.  These members need to qualify for Ordinary Membership.

Company/Organisation Membership also includes the option to list your organisation in our directory as well as adding job adverts to the website.

Membership Fee: £150 per year

Find out if your organisation has corporate membership of ACDM

If your organisation is a corporate member of ACDM you can apply for membership at no cost. 

Simply complete the form below and the ACDM membership lead in your organisation will contact you directly with details on how to activate your membership.

Company Membership Request

Company Membership Request

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