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Data Science DMEG

Data Science Expert Group

The ACDM will shortly be launching an Expert Group focussing on Data Science. The Group will be chaired by Tanya du Plessis.

If you would like to express an interest to join this group please complete the form below. Expert Groups are only open to ACDM Members. 

Tanya du Plessis (Chair)
Chief Data Strategist and Solutions officer | Bioforum

Andrew Green
Associate Director, Asset Lead Data Management | Pfizer

Priya Hari
Clinical Data Sciences Lead | Merck Group

Rashida Rampurawala
Manager – Data Management | GSK

Peter Sec
Associate Manager, Clinical Data Sciences | Premier Research

Santosh Karthikeyan Viswanathan
Technical Director, Clinical Programming | AstraZeneca

Data Science Expert Group outputs

The implementation of the evolving Clinical Data Science role, a cross collaborative initiative
Date: January 30, 2024

Click to access output

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ACDM Committee/Expert Group
